Thursday, 8 September 2011

Taking Science Thursday toooooo far

Okay so today is Thursday that equals Science.
I had a Robert Winston experiment planned, instead we spent 3 hours in the local hospital getting N's arm in plaster.
She came off her scooter with a somersault yesterday evening and has a possible fractured scaphoid, which apparently doesn't show the fracture for 10 days.

 She coped so well with the 3 hour wait, but it all got a bit too much with the apparent smell of the wet plaster and the sling on her arm (she doesn't like things on her arms)
 we mentioned we home educated to the nurses and they printed out the x ray for us - sweet.
We are off to the John Radcliffe tomorrow for further examinations...........

1 comment:

  1. Poor N:( I hope she is feeling a little a better now. We have hypersensitivity with F (Rosemary) as well and event the smallest smells can be very big issues....xmas trees are bad here.Hopeing it isnt going to be too hard a couple of weeks for you guys.Hugs
