Monday, 30 August 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
finally the dog chewed carpet is gone!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Pottery Party
Hilarious masks - well you had to be there!
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
not such a bargain after all
..... and how cool it looked. This morning, before starting our work I thought I would investigate as it could be something we could do before N's friend arrived this afternoon. Guess what yep that's it the box is empty. We have paid 99p for a box. I mean i know it says make your own but I didn't realise how literal that was!!
N put a smile on my face though, after we had completed some maths and English she said "I'm enjoying maths, I think it is my favourite at the moment" quickly followed by "but only when I do it in this purple book" - thanks WH SMITH for inspiring my young'un!
Monday, 16 August 2010
A visitor came to stay & more on the rainforest wall
After E had gone we did some more little bits for our rainforest wall;
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Non-Stop 9 days and our naughty dog!
Monday, 2 August 2010
Sunday, 1 August 2010
A prickly visitor
I put some milk out and the hedgehog had a drink!
Friday was really our catch-up day as N had been at the music course all week we had not done any work at home. We did maths and English in the morning and then N did the first couple of pages for the Rainforest book.
Saturday morning and after playing at the park with the regular dogs we drove down to see Grandma. N was invited over to my cousins house to play in the paddling pool so that was nice. Saturday evening we were off to Hubbys cricket club. They have a new play area there and N was enjoying playing on that. I was getting cold as the sun was going down, so I came home and shampooed the carpets, with the new carpet washer. Enough hair came out of my carpet to give a chihuahua a wig! N stayed with her Daddy at the club and came home with him.