Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Top Trumps and our trip to town

After the whole "painting episode" had cooled down and N had played on the laptop for what seemed like hours, we did our little maths session, N has been surprising herself by actually enjoying it, she occasionally blurts out "that was good" or "ooh I enjoyed that" then realises she should be continuing with her theme of I hate maths and goes back to that! Whilst cooking tea we decided to have a few games of Top Trumps.

N bought down a selection of her many Top Trumps packs. She Ibble Bibbled (to see which pack to use first) - I think she knows the cheat on this because 'The Dog' pack always wins. Another thing is - why do I never win at Top Trumps - clearly a skill I don't possess.

This was the face that met me this morning when N realised I had taken Peps to the vet before she woke up. I think my response sounded like "well if you didn't stay up till midnight again reading your books you might have been awake!" I don't want to tell her to stop reading for hours because she loves it and its great she wants to, I just wish she wasn't such a grump the next morning.

We consoled ourselves with a couple of games of Mall Madness - have to say I love this game - strategy, maths and shopping altogether!!

I just wish it wasn't in dollars.

My 'Sarah time' didn't go according to plan, as N's friend asked N to sleepover tonight instead of just playing in the day. N wanted to stay with me until Peps got back from the vet. I decided not to let that stop me getting into to town and out for lunch so N came with me, we cruised the library, charity shops and new look like only we can and went for lunch at Frankie & Bennys. Its nice to be able to go out for a few hours without worrying about Peps. Gosh it seems like we have had her forever. Even when out for 'lunch' it doesn't stop N insect spotting - she found these from the comfort of our table........

a moth and a ladybird hatching from pupae...

she was most annoyed to find the moth still alive and therefore not eligible for her dead insect collection.

And so we headed back to the car laden with clothes, 15 charity shop books, 3 library books, 2 colouring boards and a dog bed.

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