Thursday, 21 July 2011

Rainy Day

Today has been full of rain which has given us the chance to do all of this...

Chromatography - the process of separating chemicals / mixtures, we used felt tip pens and filter paper

 measuring out the dots, so they are all roughly the same distance from the tip of the paper
 clipping them to the glass - N enjoyed picking out 5 different coloured paper clips!!
 The finished results - some more successful than others....
 due to the fact that some of the pens N used were not water soluble or were permanent markers (lets call these the test spots)
 Pepper has not slept in her own bed since she was poisoned as she is obviously associating the bed with feeling poorly. N had the idea of sitting in Peppers bed to show her it was safe!
 30 minutes later and voila - Pepper asleep in her bed, which she hasn't done for a week - well done N
 personalised maths problems - connected to N, her friends, family and pets
 experimenting with my Dad's old engraving tool which we acquired last weekend
 painting the chicken that N designed at Cogges yesterday, and started to saw out of wood (twas finished with the workshop leader's jigsaw)
 Playing with the dogs

Sharing books together

But most of all - LAUGHING

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