Tuesday, 22 March 2011

gardening, dyeing fabric and a much awaited Amazon delivery

A couple of weeks ago we fished out some old directors chairs from the shed and decided if we were going to keep them, they really needed some love and effort put into them, plus if we do them up it saves us buying a new bench for the garden!
The wood all needs staining as I bought them before I met hubby and they have never seen a paintbrush!
Anyway, I haven't got around to staining yet :) but thought today was the day for dyeing the fabric seats and backs as they have been bleached by the sun and look like this.......

 Not wanting to spend any money :) I used some dye that a good friend had given me last year for some tie-dyeing we haven't got around to yet.
 We stirred it all up.... the dogs never want to miss out on anything.....
 It is now drying out on the line, finished photos will follow. Not sure how successful its been - the colours are all different as the fabric had been so sun damaged ;)

The runner bean seeds N planted were doing so well that they were starting to take over the conservatory, despite recommendations not to put them outside before April, I have had to - they are just getting too big. Fingers crossed they will still thrive,
 The chitted potatoes were finally planted out today in the bags provided by the potato council. We are a week late but I am sure it will be fine, we'll just leave them in a week longer.... see I told you I was a bumbling gardener.
N has been desperate for a book to arrive that she ordered on Thursday. It finally came today, but kept us waiting until 6pm. N was so happy as she had been very distressed that it had not turned up and she had been desperate to read Poppy the Dogs Trust Dog. Needless to say that is all she has been doing since.

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