Thursday, 29 July 2010
The Jungle Book Concert
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
The Filthy Exploits of Walking a Labrador
- Last night we were walking Pepper around the meadow and all of a sudden she runs off 200m away and starts rolling on the ground. I quickly assume she has found some fox poo to roll in. On close inspection I find its a dead vole, she has rolled on that over and over until its squashed flat, I wouldn't mind but how can she smell that 200m away when she can lose her own ball in long grass in front of her nose??
- After dropping N at the music course this morning I take Pepper to the park, as usual on the way she stops for a poo - my bag falls in it.
- Pepper is playing with her ball at the park and a Jack Russell runs over and wees on it, Pepper and I stare at each other wondering which of us is going to have to pick that up. Its me.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Busy Busy Busy!!!
Friday, 23 July 2010
Streetdance Performance and the Chewmeister General
Why has my 6 month old dog decided to become very naughty? She has always been a chewmeister and here is a photo of what I can expect to find in the living room when I wake up.
But she has only ever chewed her own toys and the doormats. So far this week she has chewed and ruined -
Thursday, 22 July 2010
I finshed another book and N's off to a party
"Whats wrong Mummy"
"Ummm I'm just wiping away a tear" (shes used to that I cry at everything!)
"Why, is it The Help?"
N asked me what the book was about and I explained the plot and that it was set in the 1960's around the time Daddy was born.
N was genuinely shocked that people were being treated in this way in such recent times; and I think that is what hurts the most about this story. It is fiction but based on things that were really happening in Mississippi. I explained to N that there were probably still people being treated this way in other countries around the world at this moment.
We cheered ourselves up by getting ready for N's friend's 10th birthday party. I dropped N off and picked her up later on. N said that it was the best party she has ever been to! What a shame then that what followed was about an hour of crying and shouting that her bedroom isn't big enough and it is not fair!! mmmm I think I've heard that one before. (basically every time she goes to someones house and admires their big bedroom!) My answer is always - be grateful for what you have, if you always want more you will never be happy. My friend had mentioned that they had all eaten too much chocolate! N was obviously coming down from the sugar rush. Lets hope tomorrow will be more successful. We have the Streetdance show to look forward to.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Goggle eyed spiders
Its N's penultimate gymnastics lesson of the summer and we go through the normal process of trying to get ready in time, get out to the car and my key won't fit in the lock. I pull out my key to inspect it close up - its bent?? I used the car last night and it was fine. Very bizarre and annoying. Its too late to walk so we stay at home instead.
A new chicken - that's very quiet
It's Monday and its time to add some more to our rainforest wall - trees in the understory and the canopy areas. We had a knock on the door in the evening from the neighbour - one of the chickens was trying to make an escape. Miss Cluck was perched on top of the 6 foot fence. Luckily - thanks to the neighbour - we arrived in time to lift her down, hopefully she won't try it again.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Its Saturday and Oxford Downs CC have their first win!
and more gymnastics!
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Friday, 16 July 2010
The Rainforest project is well and truly started
Niamh couldn't tear herself away from the computer
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Tuesday was 'Meyer' Day and Wednesday in The Forest
mmm.. very nice evening thanks.
This is what N did Tuesday night..... until gone 11.00pm......
Yep she was finishing the final book in the Jane Blonde series.
Hubby came home late still with sunglasses in full working order but he had been told off over a loudspeaker on a garage forecourt for using his mobile phone!
N woke up this morning tired (from the late night) and a little bit fed up that she has read all of the Jane Blonde books, and there isn't any more left to read.
We went off to see my mum in the forest of dean today.
I finally gave in on the way home and said that N could change her website from Mr Site to Blogger, so she was straight on the computer when we got home starting to set up her site at -
I'm off to watch last nights and tonights episode of Big Brother with a glass of wine.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Busy Monday
So we decided to go to the Cotswold Wildlife Park this morning for a couple of hours.
Here is a picture of N and Peps on the train.
We went into town this afternoon and picked up a few dvds from the Blockbuster Bargain bins, Shorts, Aliens in the Attic and New Moon (well I have to see if it is as good as the book don't I?!!). We watched Shorts when we got back.
Hubby managed another day without breaking his new sunglasses, thats 2 days now and I'm keeping count!
N won the musical statues contest and was very happy with herself, after all of the children had gone home apart from close family and us, a huge water fight descended. I brought N home in my friends top - makeshift dress- we were all very satisfied, even Peps as she had spent 6 hours with my friends dog Mila.
Within minutes of being through the door, New Moon was back in my hands again while I cooked some sausages (gluten free and normal) for supper. The book was only put down for Big Brother, and partially for MisFits, although I had to hide behind it at some parts as it was a bit gory - but very funny.
Hubby had come home distraught at losing at cricket, he did cheer up at the arrival of two new pairs of sunglasses. These are his 7th and 8th pairs of sunglasses this year as he keeps breaking them, if he can't manage to break his own glasses he will sit on someone elses.
Sunday morning Hubby was picked up at 7.30am for an Oxfordshire game and N and I stayed in bed until after 8.00 of course. We took Peps to the park and then went to the car boot sale, which was disappointing as there was hardly anyone there. We came home, New Moon was straight back in my hands of course and N wrote in her new note book she had bought. She played on the computer, we played hairdressers, we had a water fight, we read about 4 chapters of Jane Blonde together in the conservatory and we played a made up game using some parts from an old board game and N's dog top trumps. I plaited N's hair after she was out of the bath, so it should be curly.
Hubby came home from cricket with sunglasses still intact - result.
N went up to bed to finish her Jane Blonde book and I sat downstairs finishing New Moon. (okay it only took 3 days to read).
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Not a great start to the morning!
It still hasn't put me off reading the book, it must get happier soon!!
Friday, 9 July 2010
Stitches out and a crafty afternoon
This evening we took Peps around the meadow, surely the most beautiful part of the day - still bright and sunny but breezy too.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
The unit finally arrived!!!!
Well a smile appeared on my face yesterday when the tray storage unit finally arrived. I had been looking forward to it so much as the home school area was such a mess. Unfortunately it took about 6 man hours to fill it and sort everything out. Half way through I lost vision and felt I had to wait until my husband had finished work so he could organise me, after all we work better as a team.
So there it is in all its glory totally full - lets not get anything else until we have used something!!
N went to play with a friend during the day and on the car journey home she announced "mum, I know there is no such thing as the tooth fairy" - apparently her friend had caught her mum in the act! N couldn't believe it had been me filling out the questionnaires she left for the tooth fairy each time. Which brought N around to the subject of Santa. A topic she is relentless on when it is in her mind. Hubby and I have known that the time of her still believing was fast running out. She just asks so many questions about everything, trying to analyse how it could all be possible, and you guessed it - leaving questionnaires for Santa to find out the info perhaps nobody else has been able to get. I said I would talk to her about it when we got home. We had a chat and N was very upset about the "dream" being over, but said she thought it was "right" to know the truth.
Peps is off to the vets tomorrow for stitches out and then hopefully if the vet says it's okay we can take her for a good run around. We have all missed it.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Car boot sale, Centre MK and LEA visit
We played Monopoly but made sure we agreed at the start of the game we would only play for an hour. N understands the concept of streets in London in the game more now as we went to London so much last year. Piccadilly and Regent street are her favourite at the moment naturally.
I spent about 6 hours reading Deception Point to the end, - in between "mum" (which happens every 5 mins) and preparing food. It was worth it though the story is so exciting.
Yesterday we went off to Milton Keynes as Hubby had the afternoon and evening off and that won't happen again in a hurry, so I thought I better make the most of the dog sitting availability. N was desperate to get to Build a Bear Workshop and talked of nothing else for the 1 hr and 15mins journey there. She bought 4 new bears and talked of nothing else for the journey back!!
When i got home Hubby had cleaned the bathroom floor, the bathroom cupboards (i haven't done the cupboards since we moved in!), and the garage door. Wonderful.
Swan came this afternoon to visit N and look at her work and have a chat. Peps jumped up a lot! N took great pleasure in showing Swan her artwork and her books and having someone who will listen to her talk. (we all know N talks a lot!!) Swan gave us the report from last year and we are all pleased with it. N gets very excited at the fact someone thinks she is doing well. Also it makes me feel good too!!
I started reading Twilight (I picked it up at the car boot) I have seen the film and I have to say the book is written really well. You don't want to put it down. So thats me sorted for the afternoon and evening! I might stop for Big Brother!
I casually asked hubby when his next day off is - he said Sunday the 4th August. Nobody should work every day for a month - should they?
The house is a total state waiting for the unit to be delivered tomorrow (I'm still excited about that!) and I am still puzzled at what to do about getting a new camera. N is off to gymnastics this afternoon and we have got pizza for tea, that's making my mouth water already!
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Meal out and what we are looking forward to this week.
We packed up the car today with all of our unwanted stuff ready for a car boot sale tomorrow. This will be N's highlight of the week, she is really looking forward to it. Hubby and I have been looking forward to it for weeks as well as most of the stuff has been piled high in our bedroom and one side of the bed and several clothes drawers have been totally inaccessible.
I can't wait for Wednesday I am having 2 new drawer storage units delivered for all of our homeschool stuff. I am so looking forward to getting everything sorted out and trying (fingers crossed) to get things a bit tidier. N will be able to find everything a lot easier and should be able to get the things out she wants without having to wait for me to get it out for her. The other advantage is that it makes us have a serious look at what we have got and maybe decide that we don't need some of it. I am always putting old boxes and cartons and cardboard aside -just in case- and it takes up so much room.
Lastly I can't wait for Friday to come around so Peps can have her stitches out and life can get back to normal (us being outside a lot and out and about) as opposed to being stuck indoors.
Friday, 2 July 2010
Vet Check-up
I asked hubby for help choosing my next tattoo (he really is not into tattoos) as I can't choose as there is so many I like. Plus the colour ones I want I am supposed to be losing 2 stone to get and I still have a stone to go - and I don't want to cheat. However my friend wants me to go with her to get her first tattoo and obviously I would like to get one at the same time. But getting back to the point - Hubby shocked me with - "why don't you get barbed wire or ivy around your wrist"?!! I think I have settled with a Darwin tree of life sketch on my finger.
We took Peps to the vet this morning for a check up. She was excited to get inside so thats good - the operation hasn't put her off! She hasn't had any exercise now since Monday and she is full of energy, running and jumping all over the place. The vet said she was okay and healing nicely, but make sure she gets some rest??? are you kidding?
N was out in the garden last night taking photos of insects when she dropped the camera. The only thing it can take now is close-ups. Great. I hate choosing a new camera, there is too much choice and I am not good with choosing gadgets. I have been wanting an SLR for a long time so this is a good time to get one, its just they cost so much money.
I am looking forward to the HE meal tonight at Raj -mmmmmmm I love curry!
Swan from the LEA rang this morning to arrange to come and see N next week on Tuesday. N was excited about Swan coming, I think she even jumped up and down. I did politely warn Swan that Peps might be a little over friendly!