Friday, 16 July 2010

The Rainforest project is well and truly started

I finished Eclipse last night and went to bed feeling a little bit empty - I suppose a bit like N has been feeling as we have both finished the books we have been enjoying so much. I consoled myself today by watching the Eclipse trailer on You Tube and pre-ordering the paperback copy of Breaking Dawn, which should arrive late August.
Much to N's delight there was Bramble, Bracken, Sophie and Lottie at the park this morning when we took Pepper down, although Bramble is her favourite of course. N threw the ball for her and gave her lots of fuss - inbetween cartwheels and handstands. Sometimes N will combine running for the dogs ball and cartwheels into one!
We came home and started preparing for our Rainforest Wall. N painted some habitat labels, cut out a sun, and brown paper for the forest floor and stuck it all on the wall. Over the weekend we will try and get some leaves and trees on there too. She enjoyed using the stencils that came with a rainforest book I bought. While we were doing all this she had the idea of making a book for her Build a Bear and attaching some elastic so the bear can hold it. She made two, one for her friend too.
She is now in the living room watching Wendy Woo, to pass the time before we go and collect her friend (from gymnastics), as she is coming to play and stay for tea.

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