Thursday, 8 July 2010

The unit finally arrived!!!!

Well a smile appeared on my face yesterday when the tray storage unit finally arrived. I had been looking forward to it so much as the home school area was such a mess. Unfortunately it took about 6 man hours to fill it and sort everything out. Half way through I lost vision and felt I had to wait until my husband had finished work so he could organise me, after all we work better as a team.

So there it is in all its glory totally full - lets not get anything else until we have used something!!

N went to play with a friend during the day and on the car journey home she announced "mum, I know there is no such thing as the tooth fairy" - apparently her friend had caught her mum in the act! N couldn't believe it had been me filling out the questionnaires she left for the tooth fairy each time. Which brought N around to the subject of Santa. A topic she is relentless on when it is in her mind. Hubby and I have known that the time of her still believing was fast running out. She just asks so many questions about everything, trying to analyse how it could all be possible, and you guessed it - leaving questionnaires for Santa to find out the info perhaps nobody else has been able to get. I said I would talk to her about it when we got home. We had a chat and N was very upset about the "dream" being over, but said she thought it was "right" to know the truth.

Peps is off to the vets tomorrow for stitches out and then hopefully if the vet says it's okay we can take her for a good run around. We have all missed it.

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